Fall Wellness


Let's welcome the fall, with a rooftop potting class under the gaze of the Empire State Building.

We'll also be hosting a plant adoption, as our seasonal residency with Standard Dose comes to a close. All of the beauties on their rooftop will be up for grabs. These babies are in need of a good home, so please share with your friends that are redecorating or looking to add some life into their spaces.

(The 25 plants in the adoption range from tropical to succulent & vary in pot sizes 8" - 22")

Or meet us for one of two meditation sessions led by Danielle of highlites in the Zen Space, as we reflect inwards on what the intersection of mindfulness & plant medicine means to us.

For classes, all levels are welcome and materials will be provided. Spaces are limited so we recommend purchasing your tickets ASAP. *All sales are final.


PowerUp! Brooklyn Public Library


Fall Tings